Aura Energy Clearing Spray Guide: Spiritual Cleansing & Dowsing Techniques

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Key Takeaways

  • Aura energy clearing sprays can help cleanse and uplift your personal energy field.
  • Common ingredients include distilled water, essential oils, and sometimes crystals or other elements.
  • You can create your own aura spray with simple ingredients and infuse it with your intention.
  • Understanding your aura and how to cleanse it is essential for spiritual well-being.
  • Dowsing techniques can help identify areas of energy imbalance that may benefit from aura cleansing.

What is an Aura Energy Clearing Spray?

An aura energy clearing spray is like a breath of fresh air for your spirit. Imagine a mist that not only refreshes the skin but also sweeps away the invisible cobwebs from your energy field. This spray is a concoction typically made with purified water and specific essential oils chosen for their energetic properties. It’s used to cleanse and rejuvenate the aura, which is the energy field surrounding each person.

Spiritual Significance and Benefits

The aura is believed to be an electromagnetic field that surrounds the body, and like anything in our environment, it can become clouded with residual energies. These might be from stress, negative emotions, or environmental factors. Aura sprays are designed to clear these energies, realigning your spiritual vibration and bringing a sense of clarity and calm. The benefits are numerous:

  • Improved mood and emotional well-being
  • Increased mental clarity and focus
  • Enhanced sense of balance and calm
  • Strengthened spiritual connection
  • A sense of being grounded and centered

Common Ingredients and Their Properties

When you’re selecting ingredients for your aura spray, it’s like picking the best team for a relay race – each component brings its unique strength to the mix. Here’s a quick rundown of some common ingredients:

  • Distilled Water: It’s pure, clean, and the perfect carrier for other ingredients.
  • Essential Oils: Depending on the oil, they can have properties that range from grounding to uplifting. Lavender for calm, citrus for energy, and sage for cleansing are just a few examples.
  • Crystals: Some people like to add gemstones like amethyst or clear quartz to their bottles to amplify the spray’s energy.
  • Alcohol: A small amount can help preserve the spray and assist in dispersing the oils.

Each ingredient is chosen not just for its physical properties but for its vibrational ones, too. It’s this combination that makes the spray such a powerful tool in your spiritual toolkit.

Creating Your Own Aura Energy Clearing Spray

Creating your own aura spray is a fulfilling way to put a personal touch on your spiritual practice. It’s simple, and you can tailor it to your needs. Whether you’re looking for protection, purification, or just a general energy boost, your homemade spray can be a go-to ally.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Here’s how to make your own aura energy clearing spray:

  1. Start with a clean, empty spray bottle. A 2 oz size is a good start.
  2. Fill it nearly full with distilled water, leaving a little space at the top.
  3. Add a small amount of alcohol if you’re using it as a preservative.
  4. Choose and add your essential oils. About 10-15 drops total for a 2 oz bottle should suffice.
  5. If you’re using crystals, add them now. Make sure they’re small enough to not block the spray nozzle.
  6. Cap the bottle and shake it gently to mix the ingredients. Hold it in your hands and set your intention for the spray.
  7. Your aura spray is ready to use! Spritz it around your body or in your space whenever you need a cleanse.

Remember, the key to a powerful aura spray is your intention. As you mix your spray, focus on the purpose you want it to serve. This could be as simple as saying, “I intend for this spray to cleanse my aura and space of all negative energies.”

Essential Oil Selection for Different Intentions

Essential oils are potent allies in your spray. Here’s a quick guide to match your intention with the right scent:

  • For grounding: Cedarwood or vetiver
  • For cleansing: Sage or palo santo
  • For uplifting: Bergamot or sweet orange
  • For calming: Lavender or chamomile

Blending oils can also create a synergy that’s more powerful than the sum of its parts. Experiment to find what resonates with you.

Tips for Infusing Energy Into Your Spray

As you create your spray, here are some tips to make it truly special:

  • Make your spray during a time when you feel peaceful and focused.
  • Consider the phases of the moon – many find making sprays during the new moon or full moon to be potent.
  • Use your breath to blow softly over the bottle, infusing it with your life force.
  • Visualize a bright light surrounding the bottle, charging it with positive energy.

By infusing your spray with clear intention and positive energy, you’re creating a tool that’s uniquely aligned with your spirit.

Mastering the Art of Spiritual Cleansing

Spiritual cleansing isn’t just a one-off event; it’s a practice, a part of a routine that keeps your energy vibrant and flowing. When you master the art of spiritual cleansing, you’re taking control of your own energetic hygiene, ensuring that you stay balanced and clear in a world that can often be chaotic and stressful.

Understanding the Basics of Aura

Your aura is like a fingerprint; it’s unique to you and carries with it the story of your emotions, thoughts, and spiritual health. It’s a luminous field of energy that emanates from your body and interacts with the environments and people around you. Keeping this field clear is crucial for maintaining your overall well-being.

Most importantly, you should be aware that your aura can absorb energy from your surroundings. This can be positive, like the warmth you feel from a friend’s smile, or negative, like the stress from a tough day at work. It’s these energies, especially the negative ones, that we aim to clear with aura energy clearing spray.

How Often to Cleanse Your Energy Field

The frequency of aura cleansing is a personal matter and can vary depending on your lifestyle and sensitivity to energy. Here are a few signs that it might be time for a cleanse:

  • You’re feeling unusually tired or drained.
  • You’ve been around a lot of negativity or in a crowded place.
  • You can’t seem to shake off a bad mood.
  • You’re about to start a new project or chapter in your life.

Some people cleanse their aura daily as a preventive measure, while others do so weekly or monthly. Trust your intuition and listen to your body – it will let you know when it’s time.

Introduction to Dowsing Techniques

Dowsing is an ancient practice that involves seeking out invisible energies with the help of tools like rods or pendulums. It’s been used for centuries to find water, minerals, and even lost objects. But did you know it can also be used to detect and balance energies within the aura?

What is Dowsing and How Can it Help

Dowsing is a method of divination that provides insight into the energy patterns around us. It works on the principle that everything is energy, and with the right tools, we can interact with and understand this energy. When it comes to your aura, dowsing can help identify areas that are dense, stagnant, or in need of cleansing.

Using Dowsing Rods for Energy Detection

Dowsing rods, often made of copper or brass, are L-shaped tools that respond to the energy vibrations they encounter. Here’s a simple way to use them for energy detection:

  1. Hold the rods loosely in your hands, one in each, with the short part of the L in your grip and the long part pointing outwards.
  2. Stand still and clear your mind, focusing on the intention to detect the energy in your aura.
  3. Slowly walk through a space or around a person, and observe how the rods move. They may cross, diverge, or spin, indicating different energy qualities.

Using dowsing rods can be a fascinating way to become more attuned to the subtle energies that surround us all the time.

Using Aura Sprays in Conjunction with Other Cleansing Methods

Aura sprays are a fantastic tool on their own, but when used alongside other cleansing methods, they can create a more comprehensive cleansing experience. Let’s explore some complementary techniques.

For example, after using an aura spray, you might follow up with a meditation focused on grounding and clearing your chakras. This combination can amplify the effects of both practices, leaving you feeling deeply refreshed and balanced.

Besides that, you might consider incorporating sound healing, like singing bowls or tuning forks, to help break up any lingering energy blockages.

Complementary Techniques for Enhanced Cleansing

Here are some additional techniques to pair with your aura spray for a deeper cleanse:

  • Smudging with sage or palo santo
  • Sound healing with Tibetan singing bowls
  • Reiki or other forms of energy healing
  • Crystal therapy
  • Yoga or Tai Chi to move the energy physically

Each of these practices works in harmony with aura sprays, supporting a more vibrant and cleansed energy field.

Creating a Cleansing Ritual with Multiple Elements

Creating a cleansing ritual is like setting the stage for your own personal transformation. By combining different elements such as aura sprays, meditation, crystals, and sound, you create a symphony of energies that work together to cleanse and uplift. Start by setting a clear intention, then move through your ritual with focus and openness to the experience. You might light a candle, lay out crystals, or play calming music to set the tone. As you spray the aura mist around you, visualize the mist as light, washing away any negativity or heaviness from your energy field. This multi-sensory approach can deepen the impact of the cleansing process, leaving you feeling thoroughly renewed.


FAQ sections are helpful because they address common concerns and questions. They provide quick and straightforward answers to what most people are curious about. This section on aura energy clearing sprays will help you understand how to integrate them into your life effectively.

What Can I Expect to Feel After Using an Aura Energy Clearing Spray?

After using an aura energy clearing spray, you might feel a sense of lightness and clarity. It’s like the feeling you get after a refreshing shower or a deep breath of crisp, clean air. You may notice a shift in your mood, feeling calmer and more centered. It’s important to note that everyone’s experience is unique, and the effects can vary from subtle to more pronounced. Trust your own body and intuition to guide you through the experience.

How Often Should I Use Aura Cleansing Sprays?

How often you use an aura cleansing spray depends on your personal needs and lifestyle. If you’re frequently exposed to stressful environments or you’re particularly sensitive to energy, you might find daily use beneficial. Otherwise, you might use the spray as needed, perhaps as part of a weekly self-care routine or whenever you feel your energy field could use a boost. The key is to listen to your body and use the spray with intention when you feel it will be most beneficial.

Remember, these sprays are tools to assist you in maintaining your energetic hygiene, much like brushing your teeth or washing your hands. They’re not a cure-all, but when used mindfully, they can support your overall well-being.

Can I Use Aura Energy Clearing Spray on Pets or Children?

When it comes to using aura energy clearing spray on pets or children, it’s important to proceed with caution. Essential oils, which are commonly found in these sprays, can be potent, and not all are safe for use around animals or young kids. If you do decide to use the spray around them, make sure it’s from a safe distance, and the room is well-ventilated. Alternatively, you can spray it in an area they’re not occupying. Always consult with a professional if you’re unsure about the safety of the ingredients.

Are There Any Side Effects to Using Aura Clearing Sprays?

Most people use aura clearing sprays without any negative side effects. However, if you have allergies or sensitivities, especially to certain essential oils, it’s crucial to check the ingredients before use. If you’re making your own spray, you have the advantage of customizing the blend to suit your needs. If any irritation or adverse reaction occurs, discontinue use immediately and consult a healthcare provider if necessary.

It’s also worth noting that the power of these sprays comes not just from their ingredients but also from the intention behind their use. Approach your aura cleansing practice with a positive mindset for the best experience.

  • Be mindful of allergies or sensitivities to essential oils.
  • Use the spray in a well-ventilated area.
  • Consult a professional if you’re unsure about the safety of the ingredients.

By following these guidelines, you can enjoy the benefits of aura energy clearing sprays safely and effectively.

What Should I Do if I Don’t Notice Any Changes?

If you don’t notice any changes after using an aura energy clearing spray, consider a few factors. First, check in with your expectations. Are they realistic? Remember, the effects can be subtle and may not be immediately apparent. Also, reflect on your intention and focus during the cleansing. Were you distracted or skeptical? The mindset you bring to the practice can influence your experience.

Additionally, the frequency and consistency of use can affect the results. If you’ve only used the spray once or twice, give it some time and continue to use it regularly. It’s also possible that your energy field may respond better to different ingredients or methods of cleansing. Don’t be afraid to experiment and find what works best for you.

In the end, aura cleansing is a personal journey, and what’s most important is finding a practice that resonates with you and supports your spiritual growth.
